Transition to Work Hub




Centralian Senior College Transition to Work Program is for students in years 10, 11 and 12 who wish to complete their schooling while undertaking flexible combinations such as paid or unpaid work, Vocational Training and/or School based Apprenticeship (SBA).  The program enables students to enter the  workforce into full-time paid work or apprenticeships on the completion of their compulsory schooling. Students may  be eligible to gain their NTCET through a full-time Apprenticeship/Traineeship on completion of compulsory stage 1 English and Maths. 

Year 10 program

  • Year 10 students who are wanting to commence a school based apprenticeship will need to complete English, Maths & EIF (Exploring, Identities and Futures)
  • Students can be in a school based apprenticeship with minimum of 2 days a week at work. Discussions need to be had in each individual case.

Year 11 program

  • Year 11 students are required to attend minimum of two days at school in Semester 1 to complete their compulsory stage 1 English & Maths. They must pass two semesters of English and one semester of Maths to achieve NTCET credit points.
  • School days are negotiable. Students enrolled in VET courses attend on days directed by their course provider.
  • Days that they are not at school or VET Courses they are required to be in paid or unpaid work.
  • All students are encouraged to find a full time apprenticeship/traineeship for year 12 which may help them achieve their NTCET. We can assist with working out if the students pathways will achieve an NTCET.

 Year 12 program

  • The year 12 program provides opportunities for continuing SBA's and a variety of Certificate III Vocational courses, most of these are with external providers.
  • Each student's individual timetable is determined by what is essential to complete their NTCET pattern. This may include Maths and/or English if required.
  • For more information please contact the Transition to Work Hub, Simone Stafford on (08) 8958 5000.

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