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Subject Selection

Sep 02, 2024

Centralian Senior College Subject Selection Information

By Centralian Senior College Staff 02 Sep, 2024
Centralian Senior 2025 Yr 11 Launch Night Information
By Centralian Senior College Staff 02 Sep, 2024
Centralian Senior College Important dates for 2024 Year 12 students
By Centralian Senior College Staff 30 Aug, 2024
Clontarf News
05 Aug, 2024
Congratulations are in order for the CSC Year 10 and 11 Students who participated in the Alice Springs Science and Engineering Challenge, achieving a commendable second place! Notably, their bridge withstood the test despite a broken bottom, a feat that no other group accomplished. 
29 Jul, 2024
It was our pleasure welcoming The Chief Minister of the Northern Territory - Eva Lawler, into our school this morning, to learn about the VROOM program we offer hear at Centralian Senior College. VROOM, provides training and skills focused on car servicing and repair. It is facilitated on-site right here at the College’s school workshop in partnership with Repco.
26 Jul, 2024
Clontarf News
24 May, 2024
Clontarf News
22 May, 2024
Centralian Senior College is one of the schools piloting this program which is currently only a Northern Territory initiative.
10 May, 2024
Dame Rachel visited Centralian Senior College. She had heard about our great students and the wonderful work we are all doing at CSC.  Dame Rachel is the Children's Commissioner for children across the UK and is very interested in how we are supporting our students for their future pathways.
10 May, 2024
Year 12 Camp The Year 12 students are off to Gemtree next week. They will be busy fossicking, nature trail hiking and participating in team building activities. They will also writing a letter to themselves - that will be interesting, especially if and when they read it in the future. Have fun Year 12's, we look forward to seeing pictures and hearing about your camp when you're back at school.
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